The chart represents the daily movement of an index compressed into five minutes. When the index crosses a grid-line, the Accentus Auditory Display creates a three-note "movement tracker" sonification. The voice chosen for this particular index is a medium bell (you'll need adequate speakers or headphones to listen to this demo). Other financial instruments are represented by other voices (e.g., piano, bassoon, etc.). The first note is a reference note which is always the same pitch for the day. The second notes indicates the movement up or down on the day from the open price - a higher pitch means a higher price, a lower pitch means a lower price.
The third note may be higher or lower than the second, depending on whether the data stream has moved up or down relative to the previous sonification. Notice that as the index moves up, the pitches of the second and third notes get higher. With familiarity through usage, traders can easily correlate these voice and pitch changes to specific issues and movements.